Male survivors

We want to ensure that anyone living with the impact of sexual violence and abuse has the opportunity to feel heard and ask for the help they need.

It’s estimated that each year in the UK, 12,000 men are raped and 70,000 are sexually abused or assaulted.

Male survivors might feel they shouldn’t be affected by sexual violence, and perceptions of masculinity and sexuality in society can mean that men and boys feel ashamed or embarrassed.

Talking, reflecting, or asking for help isn’t easy and can be even harder for male survivors of sexual violence. Our free resources can be accessed in a completely confidential way. You can get in touch at any time, either over the phone or via our online form.

There’s more information in our male survivors leaflet [PDF].

Need help after sexual violence?

Call 0300 140 9957 for sexual abuse and violence support, or you can fill out our online form.

Need help after domestic abuse?

If you need support after experiencing domestic abuse, you can call 0300 140 9956 or fill out our online form.