What is a hate crime?

Hate crime is defined as a crime against someone based on a part of their identity.

There are five categories of ‘identity’ when a person is targeted because of a hostility or prejudice towards their:

  • disability
  • race or ethnicity
  • religion or belief (which includes non-belief)
  • sexual orientation
  • transgender identity.

Victim Support also recognises crimes targeted at alternative sub-cultures (such as Goth) as a form of hate crime.

According to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) website, any crime can be prosecuted as a hate crime if the offender has either:

  • demonstrated hostility based on race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or transgender identity


  • been motivated by hostility based on race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or transgender identity

Someone can be a victim of more than one type of hate crime.

Violence and disorder in parts of the UK has included racist and Islamophobic attacks on individuals and communities. See Victim Support’s statement on these events.

If you have been affected, Victim Support can help.

Hate incidents can feel like crimes to people who suffer them and often escalate to crimes or tension in a community. You can report such incidents, but the police can only prosecute when the law is broken. However, the police can work with other organisations to prevent the situation escalating.

Experiencing hate crime can be a particularly frightening experience as you’ve been targeted because of who you are, or who or what your attacker thinks you are.

Unlike non-identity related offences, the attack is very personal and specifically targeted, which means it’s less likely to be a random attack.

Every year, thousands of people in Britain are affected by hate crime. Nobody should have to live with the fear and anxiety this crime causes. It can also affect other people in your community, especially if they’re seen to be part of the same group in society.

As well as the emotional and physical harm, you may suffer serious financial losses. At its most extreme, you may be made homeless, forced to leave an area or made to feel so unsafe you choose to move away.

Other costs you might have to bear include the cost of repairing damage, dealing with graffiti, replacing possessions and increasing home and personal security.

You may or may not have insurance to cover these – even if you do, there might be costs associated with a no-claims bonus or a policy excess. You may also have to pay for the cost of travelling to medical appointments or court, or simply to protect yourself from further attacks by taking taxis, rather than public transport.

If you want to report a hate crime, you can do so online via True Vision or contact your local police force.

If you’re based in Wales, we have a dedicated online portal where you can report hate crimes confidentially to receive support.

If you’ve experienced hate crime, remember it’s not your fault. However, there are things you can do that may help to reduce the risk of it happening again, and they may help you feel you’re getting your life back under control. These are some of the things you could do:

  • Improve your basic home security. For example, by adding locks and bolts to doors and windows.
  • Go one step further and install security equipment such as CCTV, video intercoms or panic buttons.
  • Keep a note of all incidents related to the hate crime, including times, dates and details of what happened.
  • Get someone to accompany you if you decide to report the crime to the police.

The effects of hate crime can last for a long time, especially if you’ve been targeted repeatedly. Many people find it helps to talk to someone who understands.

We can help immediately after an incident or any time after the crime has taken place. We’ll listen to you in confidence and offer information. We can also help you to navigate the criminal justice system and provide information if you want to make a compensation claim, if you choose to report the crime.

We can also give you information about dealing with a range of organisations, such as your employer and housing agencies, if you’re having difficulties with them because of what’s happened to you. Our specially trained hate crime staff and volunteers can:

  • help you to cope and move forward from the effects of hate crime
  • support you and other members of your family
  • help you to get in touch with other organisations if there are problems we can’t deal with
  • help you to deal with other agencies, such as the police or housing department
  • give you advice on safety and home security
  • help you to improve your home safety after a break-in, such as repairs to broken locks.

As well as giving you information about the police and court procedures, our staff and volunteers can go with you to the police station and to court. We can also liaise with other organisations on your behalf if you want us to, and we can put you in touch with other sources of help, such as people who can remove graffiti.

When you report a crime to the police, they should automatically ask if you’d like help from an organisation like Victim Support. But anyone affected by crime can contact us directly – you don’t need to talk to the police to get our help.

You can get in touch by:

You can also create a free account on My Support Space – an online resource containing interactive guides (including guides on hate crime) to help you manage the impact crime has had on you.

If English is not your first language and you would like support, call our Supportline and let us know which language you speak. We’ll call you back with an interpreter as soon as possible. We also welcome calls via Relay UK and SignLive (BSL).

Families and friends affected by crime can also contact us for support and information. If you’re a child or young person under 18 and are looking for support, visit our children and young people website for information and tips.