What to do in an emergency
Victim Support helps people to cope after a crime, but we’re not an emergency service. Here are some suggestions about what to do if you find yourself at a crime scene.
- If a crime is happening now, or has just happened, the most important thing to think about is safety — for you and anyone else at the crime scene.
- If the offender is still there, try not to do anything to provoke them because this could put you at greater risk.
- If you can get to a safe and secure place, do so.
- Raise the alarm. Call 999 and ask for the police (or ask someone else to do this).
- Tell the operator as precisely as possible where you are and say you need help urgently.
- If you or someone else has been injured, you should also tell the operator this.
- Keep alert and focus on safety first.
What if I can’t talk on the phone?
If you’re deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment, you can text 18000.
If you’re in an emergency situation and have called 999 but are unable to speak over the phone, press 55 on your keypad when prompted. This will tell the operator that you need help but are unable to talk.
The emergency services will sometimes be able to identify your location. However, they won’t always be able to attend silent 999 calls if they don’t have sufficient information on your location.
When it’s safe to do so, pass your location on to the operator by whispering, redialling 999 when safe or texting. You can only text 999 if you register for this service in advance.