Why Claire in Kent loves to volunteer with Victim Support
Volunteering for me is best expressed by someone else’s words:
“The broadest, and maybe the most meaningful definition of volunteering: doing more than you have to because you want to, in a cause you consider good.” – Ivan Scheier
Volunteering with Victim Support has taught me a lot since starting last July. Primarily, that there is always something to learn.
I have also noticed that the more I learn about, and from others, the more I discover about myself. Which has been a great thing for my reflective practice!
Every day I live in awe of the courage and strength people have when seeking and taking up our support, and continue to be surprised by the willingness they have to keep going in the face of tremendous adversity.
If I can help to lessen the load, provide some comfort through listening or serve as a soundboard; whatever is needed of me at the time, as trite as it may sound, I’m happy.