How we can help
The Victim Support Cumbria multi-crime service provides support to any victim of crime or traumatic incident. It doesn’t matter when the crime happened, or if you’ve reported it to the police.
The Cumbria team is made up of trained Independent Victim Advocates, known as IVAs.
They’ll discuss with you how you’ve been affected by crime, and provide immediate support and information. They’ll also make sure you’re aware of your rights under the Victim’s Code.
Depending on what you need, the IVAs can provide longer term support. They’ll work with you on a range of areas you may need support with, such as your wellbeing or safety.
IVAs will also be able to put you in touch with colleagues or other services outside of Victim Support that can help.
Our teams of IVAs will be there to listen, and provide both emotional and practical support based on your needs and what’s right for you.

Get help now
If you’ve been affected by crime in Cumbria, call us on 0300 303 0157.
Further help in Cumbria
Read our list of useful organisations in Cumbria.