Woman and child

Partnership working

We deliver interesting and informative presentations within the community to raise awareness of Victim Support and how we can help anyone affected by crime with invaluable help, support and guidance. Not only those who experience it directly, but also their friends, family and any other people involved.

The presentations will give an insight into the different types of crime and how to access support. The aim of our charity and presentations is to:

  • help people to feel safer and more secure after a crime or traumatic event
  • help people to understand their rights and the services that they are entitled to
  • help people to explore ways to cope
  • provide information about services and support networks.

Please contact us at lincs.vcu@victimsupport.org.uk to book a presentation to raise awareness of Victim Support.

If you’ve been impacted by crime in Lincolnshire, get in contact on 01522 542687.

Frequently asked questions about Victim Support Lincolnshire.