Fraud and cybercrime
If you’re a victim of fraud or working with victims of fraud, here’s some information about how Victim Support can help.
Every day, we see the devastation and misery that’s the inevitable outcome of fraud. Some victims want their money back, others have had their trust and confidence destroyed.
While the financial loss will be important, the impact on someone’s daily life can be far reaching and long lasting. Coming to terms with fraud, as with any other crime, can be a very long process for victims. At Victim Support we work directly with victims and with other agencies to help take away the stigma that’s often attached to fraud. We also want to give victims the confidence to report, knowing they are not alone and will be taken seriously.
We can’t directly compensate the financial loss. However, we can work with victims to understand what options they have, and whether they may be able to get a reimbursement from their bank.