
WeMatter is a video-based digital service for children and young people (CYP) who have been affected by domestic abuse.

It provides specialist support to 8-17 year-olds who have been affected by abuse within their parent or carer’s relationship, or within the family home.

It’s not suitable for children and young people who are experiencing ongoing domestic abuse or for those who are still living with the alleged perpetrator.

WeMatter is available across the whole of England.

WeMatter uses Rockpool’s CYP Domestic Abuse Recovery Toolkit. Delivered online via Zoom, the toolkit offers a timetable of group work programmes, which young people can access during the school day, or at home after school. Each group session is facilitated by two specialist CYP programme facilitators. Groups include up to 12 participants.

WeMatter is delivered over eight weeks, with sessions lasting around one hour. Each session uses trauma-informed cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) based activities, games and discussions, all aimed at supporting the young person’s individual journey.

The sessions offer children and young people a safe space to:

  • understand their experience of domestic abuse
  • develop health coping strategies for difficult emotions
  • explore future healthy and positive relationships.

Access to technology

Participants will need to access the course using a computer, laptop, or smart device. If they don’t have access to this technology, still call the team as we can explore options to help them. For the safety of the group everyone taking part will need to have their camera on throughout a group session.


The service is confidential. Discussion will be encouraged within the groups, but participants will not be asked to share anything if they don’t wish to do so.

Programme facilitators will work closely with parents, carers and partner agencies. This is to ensure we’re working to meet the best interests of all involved.

Initial group work assessment

Participants will be offered a 1-2-1 session with a programme facilitator before the sessions begin. This allows them to complete a group work assessment and start to build a relationship.

Session one – introductions

Getting to know each other, setting ground rules and exploring what will be covered.

Session two – why am I here?

Exploring what’s happened and how to cope with difficult feelings.

Session three – self-esteem, what is it?

Exploring self-esteem, what it means, and how experience of domestic abuse can affect it.

Session four – who’s in my family?

Exploring relationships with family members, and how to increase levels of safety.

Session five – talking positive

Revisiting self-esteem and introduction positive affirmations.

Session six – ways to handle difficult feelings without getting into trouble

Exploring healthy ways to cope with anger, and simple relaxation techniques.

Session seven – health relationships and trust

Examining what a health relationship looks like.

Session eight – what now?

Identifying tools that will be helping in the future.

Follow-up session

Programme facilitators will make a final call to participants to assess any outstanding needs, and complete final outcome measures.

We welcome referrals from professionals, parent and/or carers.

Please email wematter@victimsupport.org.uk or contact the WeMatter team on 0300 373 0258 for more information.

For more information, take a look at our leaflets and posters below: