Katie Kempen, Victim Support’s new CEO
The charity Victim Support, the country’s biggest provider of services for victims of crime, has appointed Katie Kempen as its new Chief Executive Officer.
Katie joins the charity from the Office of the Victims’ Commissioner, where she is currently Chief Executive, and brings a wealth of experience in the criminal justice sector and a passion for championing victims’ rights.
Working with the Victims’ Commissioner, Katie has driven initiatives to amplify victims’ voices, ensure that their rights are recognised and upheld and that high quality, specialist support is available to anyone who has experienced crime.
Prior to this, she was Chief Executive of the non-profit Independent Custody Visiting Association (ICVA) and has held several policy roles including at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey and in local government.
Katie has previously been a trustee for a local domestic abuse service, held a position on the steering group of the United Kingdom National Preventative Mechanism and won a National Police Chiefs’ Council ‘Criminal Justice Star Award’ for her work at ICVA.
Katie said:
“I’m thrilled to be joining Victim Support to lead the charity’s incredible work, delivering specialist, tailored support to victims, helping them to understand their rights and recover after crime. Years of experience and countless conversations with victims, has taught me just how vital this support is – for many it’s a lifeline.
“I can’t wait to build on Victim Support’s successes, and to use my expertise to drive change and ensure that victims’ have a loud and influential voice in the criminal justice system.”
Andrew Tivey, Chair of the board of Trustees said: “Katie’s broad range of experience, working across the criminal justice system, combined with her passion for improving the lives of victims, makes her the perfect person to lead the charity forward. As we approach our 50th anniversary, she has the vision and ambition to further forward our aims of stronger rights, better support and real influence for victims of crime.”
Katie will join Victim Support in June 2023, taking over from Diana Fawcett, who is to retire after leading the charity for five years.