‘Tis the season to celebrate the love and generosity of humankind – shown so clearly by the amazing total our One UK Appeal has reached. With donations ranging from £2.50 up to hundreds of pounds, the fund keeps on rising.
Fundraising Manager Tanya Richardson: “VS has never raised such a huge amount in such a short time, all through donations large and small from the public. This heartfelt response shows people care deeply about the recovery of their communities and friends, but also strangers who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
“The target has now been raised by the Fundraising Team, and we will continue to campaign for awareness of Supportline and the incredible support our staff and volunteers offer. Watch this space for updates over 2018 – and make sure you share the One UK Appeal page on social media!”
Operations Director Diana Fawcett: “VS launched the One UK Appeal in the immediate aftermath of the terror attacks in the spring of 2017 to help us fund much needed services for people affected by these terrible events.
“We have been moved by the generosity of people who have contributed to the fund over recent months and have dedicated the money received to growing and developing our 24/7 Supportline service, that was there for the victims and witnesses of the events in 2017, and will be there again if ever needed.”
Supportline Manager Sara Brown: “Contributions from the One UK Appeal to Supportline will go towards enabling us to be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for victims to make contact for immediate emotional support, referral to a trauma therapist where appropriate, or signposted to local agencies or VS services for those with longer term needs.
“Previous experience demonstrates the need for a 24/7 service in the hours following a critical incident. Victims need to know they can make contact straightaway with their immediate needs, such as help with accommodation, travel, emotional support, and more. That’s why Supportline is such a vital service, and why these funds with make such a huge difference.”