Whether we are helping victims to access their rights, providing vital emotional support through unimaginably difficult times or campaigning for change – improving lives after crime remains at the heart of everything we do. That’s why the title of our 2024–2029 strategy, is supporting victims, creating change.

The challenges facing victims today

Given the enormous challenges facing victims today, our purpose to support victims to move forward, and bring change through their voice has never been more important. These challenges are not new ones. Rather, long standing problems – ineffective courts and deteriorating trust in the police – have become chronic, and victims’ faith in the criminal justice system is at breaking point. Victims face staggering delays, with some waiting as long as six years for their case to go to trial.

Bringing about a better future for victims

At Victim Support, our vision is for a future where victims’ rights are respected, their voices are heard, and they feel well supported. Over the past year we have been keenly involved in shaping the Victims and Prisoners Bill, now the Victims and Prisoners Act (after it received royal assent in May). This landmark legislation will finally deliver national oversight of the Victims’ Code, ensuring basic rights, such as the right for victims to receive information and be referred to support services, are monitored and enforced.

The role of Victim Support in bringing about a better future for victims

At Victim Support we provide a range of specialist services for victims, witnesses and survivors that are tailored to individual needs and informed by evidence. Our mission for victims is to:

  • Enable them to feel safer and more informed about strategies to reduce risk.
  • Empower them to access their rights and entitlements.
  • Listen with compassion, validate their experiences and help them move forward.
  • Support them to be heard and campaign for improvements in victims’ rights.

Driving this mission, and the strategy, are six priorities:

  1. We will be a recognised, trusted and nationally prominent victims’ voice. We will influence required reform at a national and local level.
  2. We will be ambitious leaders in our areas of strength in order to ensure that the highest number of victims can access the services they need.
  3. We will embed a culture of quality and innovation, delivering victims’ services of a high standard.
  4. We will make the most of implementing learning and insight from our services to provide the most efficient and effective services.
  5. We will focus and unite on delivering for victims, recognised as an employer and volunteering opportunity of choice. We are an organisation where learning and improvement are at the heart of how people work and interact.
  6. We will be a well-run, financially stable organisation that effectively responds to the needs for victims’ services.

Independent victims’ services like ours are more vital than ever, and this new strategy sets out the direction of our work for the next five years. As we move forward in this goal, we will ensure that no one is left behind.

Find out more about our new strategy.