How we can help
The Victim Support West Yorkshire multi-crime service provides support to any victim of crime. It doesn’t matter when the crime happened, or whether you’ve reported it to the police.
The West Yorkshire team is made up of trained Triage and Early Intervention Officers, known as TEIOs. They’ll discuss with you how you’ve been affected by crime, and can provide immediate support and information. They’ll also make sure you’re aware of your rights under the Victims’ Code.
Depending on your needs, the TEIOs may refer you to our local teams who can provide longer term support. Our teams include specially trained caseworkers and volunteers. They’ll work with you on a range of areas you may need support with, such as your wellbeing or safety. They’ll also be able to put you in touch with other services that can help.
Hear from our staff
Watch Rob, a Senior Triage and Early Intervention Officer, and Sarah, a Caseworker at Victim Support West Yorkshire, talk about their roles.
Get help now
If you’ve been affected by crime in West Yorkshire, call us on 0300 303 1971.
More help in West Yorkshire
Read our list of useful organisations in West Yorkshire.
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